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Simon B
July 26, 2024
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How Search Generative Experience (SGE) is changing SEO

Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) is shaking up the Google search landscape. As a company that has spent way too much time obsessing over keywords, we’re ready to admit that SGE is both exciting and terrifying.

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Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) is shaking up the Google search landscape faster than you can say “algorithm update.” As a company that has spent way too much time obsessing over keywords, we’re ready to admit that SGE is both exciting and terrifying.

With AI-generated summaries soon to be front and centre in search results, the old playbook is getting thrown out the window. Marketers are scrambling to adapt, focusing on structured data and ramping up their E-E-A-T game. But the reality is that nobody really knows what’ll work best yet. Welcome to the wild west of AI-powered search.

The SEO rollercoaster: riding the waves of Google's generative AI revolution

Remember when we all thought the Panda update was a big deal? Oh, sweet summer children we were. Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) is like Panda, Penguin and every other algorithm update had a baby, and that baby grew up to be The Terminator of traditional search practices.

We’ve been in the SEO game since the days of keyword stuffing (don’t judge, we’ve all got skeletons in our closets), and we can tell you that SGE is sending shockwaves through the industry. Let’s break down what’s really going on and how we can adapt, or risk becoming digital dinosaurs.

The snippet apocalypse: when less clicks mean more problems

Remember when getting to the top of Google was the holy grail? Well, now it’s more like getting to the top of Google only to watch users scroll right past your hard-earned link. SGE’s AI-generated snippets are like that friend who always interrupts your stories—they’re providing answers to search queries before anyone even clicks on a result.

You could be looking at a potential 15-25% drop in organic traffic. That’s not just a small hit; it’s a full-on removal of a quarter of your traffic. SEO professionals are collectively screaming into their pillows at night, wondering if their jobs are going the way of the travel agent.

But before you start updating your LinkedIn profile to “AI Whisperer” or “Digital Shaman,” perhaps there’s a way to weather this storm.

Content is king, but context is God

If SGE is the new deity of search, then context is its holy scripture. It’s no longer enough to stuff your content with keywords—SGE is understanding the big picture, the whole enchilada, the… you get the idea.

This means we need to shift our focus from just answering questions to providing comprehensive, authoritative content that aligns with search intent and covers topics from every angle. Think of it as serving a buffet instead of a single dish. Users (and SGE) should be able to indulge themselves on your content and still come back for seconds.

E-E-A-T your way to the top

No, we’re not talking about competitive eating (though that might make for some interesting content). E-E-A-T stands for Expertise, Experience, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. Think of it as Google’s version of a Michelin star rating for websites.

To boost your E-E-A-T score:

  1. Showcase your credentials: Don’t be shy about flaunting your expertise. If you’ve got it, flaunt it.
  2. Share real experiences: Personal anecdotes and case studies are like digital gold.
  3. Get those backlinks: High-quality backlinks are like celebrity endorsements for your content.
  4. Keep it real: Transparency and accuracy build trust. No fake news allowed!

The Long-Tail of the matter

Remember when we used to target high-volume keywords like they were limited edition Pokémon cards? Unfortunately, SGE will change that process. Now, long-tail keywords and natural language queries are the new cool kids on the block.

Instead of optimising for “best running shoes,” think about optimising for “What are the best running shoes for someone with high arches training for their first marathon?” It’s a mouthful, sure, but it’s exactly the kind of specific query that SGE loves to sink its teeth into.

Structured data is the secret sauce

If your website were a burger, structured data would be the special sauce that makes it irresistible to search engines. With SGE, implementing proper schema markup is more important than ever for enhancing web page visibility. It’s essentially giving Google a map of your content, helping it understand and synthesise information more effectively.

Don’t know your schema from your schnitzel? It’s time to learn, because your content’s visibility in SGE-generated snippets could depend on it.

User experience: it's not you, it's them

With SGE potentially reducing direct website visits, when users do click through to your site, you need to make it count. Think of your website as a first date—you want to make a great first impression and keep them engaged.

Focus on:

  • Fast loading times (because nobody likes to be kept waiting)
  • Mobile-friendliness (it’s 2024, people!)
  • Intuitive navigation (don’t make users feel like they’re solving a Rubik’s cube)
  • Engaging, valuable content (keep them coming back for more)

Remember that metrics like time on site, bounce rate and user interactions are becoming even more important. Of course you want to get users on your site, but more importantly, you want to keep them there and drive valuable traffic.

Content strategies for Google's Search Generative Experience era

Gone are the days when you could slap together a 500-word article, sprinkle in some keywords and call it a day. In the age of SGE, your content strategy needs to be more sophisticated. Here’s what you need to focus on:

  1. Answer specific questions comprehensively: Don’t just scratch the surface; dive deep, leveraging generative AI to provide detailed responses.
  2. Develop content clusters: Create a web of interconnected content that covers topics from multiple angles.
  3. Focus on middle and bottom-funnel content: Address specific user needs that go beyond basic information.
  4. Prioritise long-form, in-depth content: Think less “snackable content” and more “five-course meal.”

Different strokes for different folks (search intent)

Not all queries are created equal in the eyes of an AI-powered search engine like SGE. Informational queries are getting the VIP treatment, with SGE providing direct answers faster than you can say “Hey Google.” But don’t despair if you’re in ecommerce or dealing with transactional queries, as you’ve still got some tricks up your sleeve.

For e-commerce sites:

  • Optimise product pages like your sales depend on it (because they do)
  • Provide unique value propositions that SGE can’t easily replicate
  • Focus on creating engaging product descriptions and user-generated content

For navigational queries, make sure your brand is strong enough that users will seek you out directly. Speaking of which…

Brand building: your SGE Safety Net

In a world where Google's Search Generative Experience might be stealing your traffic, having a strong brand is like having a golden parachute. Users who know and trust your brand are more likely to bypass SGE and come straight to you. So, how do you build a brand strong enough to withstand the SGE storm?

  • Consistent messaging across all platforms
  • Engaging social media presence (yes, even on TikTok)
  • Thought leadership content that showcases your expertise
  • Customer-centric approach that builds loyalty

Featured snippets: the Dethroned royalty of search results

Remember when we all lost our minds trying to get featured snippets? SGE might be coming for their crown as it takes centre stage. While featured snippets aren’t going away entirely, their prominence might be reduced as AI-generated snippets take the limelight.

Don’t abandon your featured snippet strategy entirely, but be prepared to adapt. Focus on providing clear, concise answers that can be easily parsed by both users and AI.

Adapt or die: The new mantra of SEO

If there’s one thing that’s certain in the world of SEO, it’s that nothing is certain. SGE is still in its experimental stages, much like the innovations coming out of Search Labs, and we’re all along for the ride. The key to surviving (and thriving) in this brave new world is adaptability.

Stay informed about updates, be ready to pivot your strategies at a moment’s notice and always, always be testing. What works today might not work tomorrow, and what fails miserably now might be the next big thing.

The future is now (and it’s kind of the Wild, Wild West)

As we navigate the choppy waters of SGE, one thing is clear: the future of SEO is going to be a wild ride. We’re moving from a world of keywords and backlinks to one of context, intent and AI tools understanding. It’s scary, it’s exciting, and it’s happening whether we’re ready or not.

But here’s the silver lining: for those who can adapt, who can create truly valuable content, and who can think beyond traditional SEO metrics, there’s a world of opportunity. SGE isn’t the death of SEO; it’s the evolution of it.

Summary: SEO, SGE, SOS

It’s time to embrace the chaos, ride the wave of change and maybe, just maybe, come out on top in this brave new world of search. After all, in the immortal words of Darwin (or was it Bear Grylls?), it’s not the strongest that survive, but the most adaptable in the era of Google's generative AI search.

Hitting the SEO right notes with Conturae

Now, if you’ll excuse us, we need to go update our website’s schema markup and brainstorm some ultra-specific long-tail keywords, as we like to stay on top of the latest SEO trends.

We can help you do that too, along with watertight content written by humans that's assisted by AI. From keyword research to words that jump off the page, Conturae helps bring your content to life in a world where everything is moving at 100mph.

After all, SGE waits for no one, and neither should we or you.