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June 3, 2024
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Bypass AI detection: Why it's important to humanise AI content

AI is everywhere. That podcast you listened to? There’s a chance that AI generated the summary. Those snappy product descriptions for your latest online purchase? They could be straight from the AI content creation machine. You may have even been served a few AI-authored blog posts or social posts in your latest scroll.

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AI language models have gone from sci-fi promise to daily reality faster than we could have ever imagined. And don’t us wrong, as efficient content creators, we should absolutely be leveraging this technology. The scale, speed and raw output capabilities AI provides are frankly mind-bending.

But while AI may be able to assemble sentences and string together factual information with increasing aplomb, it still lacks a crucial nuance, that little thing we call humanity. You know, the rich, authentic, one-of-a-kind element that separates truly resonant content from the endless AI word puddles is… well, us. This is where AI detectors come into play, identifying and bypassing AI-generated text so content maintains a human touch.

So, AI is good. But a complete reliance on it to do all the content is bad. With that in mind, we’ve put some thoughts together on why it’s so important to focus on the human aspect of AI and how you can work with it to create top-notch content.

What is AI-generated content?

Before we go any further, let’s see to it that we’re working from the same definition. AI-generated text refers to textual material that has been primarily assembled by artificial intelligence systems like ChatGPT (you may have heard of it) and other advanced language models.

Rather than creating the content from scratch, human creators provide high-level directives, prompts and guidelines that outline the general intent and requirements. The AI model then ingests this initial input and autonomously predicts and generates the actual paragraphs and sentences based on its training data.

This approach allows AI to produce material at an unprecedented scale across use cases like:

  • Blog posts and articles
  • Website copy and product descriptions
  • Social media posts and ad creatives
  • Emailers and newsletters
  • Business reports and whitepapers
  • And much more

On the surface, this AI-generated output can read as coherent, factual and broadly technically accurate. But peek under the hood and you’ll likely spot some clear limitations in areas like contextual relevance, authentic personality, creativity and true emotional resonance.

In other words, a solid initial draft, sure. But it’ll likely lack the distinctly human qualities to make it sing.

A content writer working in a coffee shop

Why you should humanise AI

The value proposition of AI content generation is obvious: sheer scale, speed and output unlike anything humanly possible. As of this year, 35% of global companies use AI content generators, with approximately half planning to incorporate AI tools into their processes. From customer service to content writing, AI is redefining efficiency and productivity, saving employees an average of 2.5 hours per day.

Let an AI assistant crank away and you could have thousands of words generated in minutes on virtually any topic. But therein lies the catch. While impressive, raw AI output often feels a bit… soulless. Generic. Devoid of the qualities that capture attention and shape true resonance:

  • Authenticity and emotional engagement
  • Nuanced understanding of context and relevance
  • Creative spark that pushes past the obvious
  • Innate cultural and societal expertise
  • Distinct personality aligned with a brand’s vision

Relying solely on AI-generated content without any humanising elements is a surefire way to leave your audience underwhelmed. They’ll consume it, likely find the factual accuracy inoffensive, then immediately move on and forget about it entirely. Not exactly a content marketing win.

Luckily, there is an incredible opportunity to claim a huge competitive advantage simply by tapping into the unique traits AI still can’t quite replicate. By humanising that initial AI output with some polishing, enhancing and creative direction, we can amplify quality and resonance to create human-like content that reads authentically and emotively.

Or to put it another way: AI gives us a helpful starting point and content creators the chance to elevate that raw material into something magical and irresistible. Combining scalable machine assistance with the authenticity of the human spirit is the real content marketing superpower.

Tips to humanise AI text

Alright, enough theoretical jibber jabber, let’s get tactical. Once you have that raw AI output in hand, how exactly do you systematically inject humanity and authentic resonance? Here are some helpful strategies:

Emotion and empathy

Start with emotion as the foundation. When working with AI text, focus on making AI-generated content more natural and engaging by sharing personal anecdotes and relatable stories that create genuine emotional sparks, be they of joy, sadness, nostalgia, inspiration or any other deeply-felt human experience. Infuse empathy into your storytelling that forges inextricable bonds with your audience. And wield humour as both a rapport-builder and attention driver when the time calls for it.

Remind your readers at every turn that there are real, multidimensional humans behind the words they’re consuming. AI alone can't replicate the intricacies and profound power of human emotionality.

Contextual understanding

AI uses data, but it lacks the rich contextual awareness that shapes how we experience reality as humans. AI-written text often needs contextual relevance to sound more human-like. By living and breathing the specific context surrounding your audience segments, you can humanise content through:

  • Vivid analogies and examples they can instantly relate to
  • Obscure cultural references only they would appreciate
  • Authentic understanding of their nuanced pain points and desires

These types of micro-relevance tailoring form the contextual tissue connecting your words with your readers’ lives in a way generic AI output just can’t. Why? Because you get them on a human level.

Cultural sensitivity

Beyond simply understanding your audience’s context, you need to appreciate the deeper societal undercurrents and diverse cultural currents shaping their perspectives and sensibilities.

Remember, AI training data often encodes unintentional biases and can easily miss nuances around linguistic quirks, social norms and complex cultural implications for different communities. Even the most advanced AI will likely flail in this scenario. Natural language processing plays a central role in generating human-like text by using advanced algorithms.

As a creator, it’s your role to analyse content through unique cultural lenses. Make sure your brand’s voice and stories resonate authentically by scrutinising for:

  • Problematic biases or stereotyping to remove
  • Opportunities to showcase empathy and representation
  • Ways to celebrate the vibrant tapestry of human diversity

With this level of human attunement, you’ll humanise content in a way machines can’t yet replicate, building trusted relatability with audiences across cultures.

A writer using their phone

Challenges with AI-generated content

Of course, combining AI’s brute force with the delicate beauty of human creativity and authenticity is far from simple. When working to humanise their AI-written content, brands and creators face some significant hurdles:

Finding the right human-AI balance

Go too far into the human world and you quickly sabotage AI's efficiency advantages with bottlenecked throughput. But veer too close to pure AI output and you risk lifeless content that alienates audiences.

Optimising the precise balance—so human creators can lend their magic touch while still benefiting from automated scale—is an incredibly delicate calibration.

Committing sufficient human resources

Top writers, editors and creative visionaries don't come cheap. The more humanisation required, the more of these crucial human resources need to be committed against the workload.

Further, skills like cultural fluency coaching or expert storytelling may require specialised freelance assistance in many cases. We’ve heard it a hundred times already, but it’s a point that needs driving home: AI shouldn’t replace humans when it comes to content creation, and those writers, social media managers, designers and other creative types still form the backbone of high-quality content. 

Maintaining consistency as you scale

Fast-growing content operations fighting to keep up with demand often struggle with maintaining a consistent brand voice, personality and human touch across all their output.

Detailed processes and training become paramount to prevent any "off" humanised pieces from slipping through and breaking the audience's immersion. Quality assurance takes on new complexities in a blended human-AI creation model.

Quantifying and optimising subjective qualities

Sure, you know storytelling and emotive writing when you see it. But quantifying those distinctly human resonance drivers into structured rubrics or models to optimise against? Not so easy.

What data points define incredible cultural sensitivity or creative ingenuity? These vital aspects of humanisation often live in the subjective, qualitative world which AI can't inherently measure or enhance.

Navigating organisational challenges

On a broader level, integrating advanced AI assistance into traditional human-centric creative workflows surfaces predictable change management issues. Power dynamics shift. Roles and responsibilities morph. Mindsets around collaboration and technology's role get challenged.

Internal culture changes become unavoidable as machines get intertwined with creative processes traditionally safeguarded as uniquely human.

While disruptive, working through these organisational tensions is necessary for unlocking the harmonious human-machine model required for transcendent humanisation.

How to implement humanised AI

Feeling daunted yet? Probably so, as navigating the human-AI intersection for content can become unsurprisingly complex. But brands that put in the work can reap immense rewards for their efforts, saving time in the long term and still creating content that really springs off the page.

To get started, consider incorporating approaches like:

Investing in premium human capital

Hire brilliant creative writers, poets, journalists, authors—whatever your brand's version of a prolific storyteller looks like. These investments allow you to humanise AI content on an unmatched level. Let the machines set the stage, then your writers elevate it into something extraordinary.

Using AI for augmented ideation

Rather than relying on AI for full drafts, leverage language models to explore different creative angles, story premises or content angles during an ideation phase. Your writers can then cherry pick the routes that hit the right notes to expand into rich, humanised narratives.

Implementing continuous audience feedback loops

Your audience should be the guiding light for how you humanise content over time. Implement processes to consistently gather feedback on what's connecting (and what's not). Feed those human insights back into your content creation process for constant optimisation.

Streamlining human review steps 

AI's speed is unbeatable, so it's up to you to streamline human polishing phases with ruthless efficiency. Iterate on processes and leverage automations wherever possible to remove friction from your writers' workflow, affording them maximum time for their humanising craft in the process.

Exploring specialised AI models

With advanced models becoming increasingly niche and verticalised, regularly monitor the AI landscape for opportunities to use more specialised systems pre-trained for your industry's particular needs. For instance, many feel that the language-learning model Claude is more adept to the creative side of content than ChatGPT. The more contextually-attuned the base AI output, the more humanisation you're starting from.

Installing human-led governance

As AI's role grows, it's fundamental to all processes that install human-led governance and accountability are installed. Make subjective decisions around creative ideation, branding, ethics and overall impact strategy flow from cross-functional human teams—not algorithms. This guarantees humanisation efforts are authentic.


Finally, any humanised content model will likely end up requiring some changes to your internal culture as you shift towards human-AI collaboration. Invest in education and enablement programs to create mutual understanding and comfort with the new paradigm before operationalising. Let both human and machine embrace their unique complementary strengths.

What is bypassing AI content?

Even if you’ve only dabbled in the world of AI content creation, you’ll know all too well about AI content detection bypassers. They were created in response to the growing number of content pieces online that were used solely with AI.

It works a little something like this: open one of the AI detectors, whack in the article, and the detector will tell you the likelihood of whether it was generated by humans, AI or both. These AI detectors are tools designed to assess and humanise AI-generated content to make it undetectable by various AI detectors. Sounds great, right? Well, not exactly.

These detectors aren’t watertight in their analysis, despite what the back-of-the-box sales copy tells you. It’s possible something can be entirely human written but a detector flags it as AI. These detectors should be taken with a pinch of salt.

Why do AI detection services exist?

The myth goes something a little like this: Google sees that something is AI written and decides it doesn’t provide any value. It then flags your content as AI and you get in trouble with the big search engine overlord. 

The truth is that Google doesn’t necessarily penalise AI content—it doesn’t like content that won’t add anything to the reader. But there’s a ton of this type of content out there already, and it’s not even created by AI. 

So, before you bet everything on an AI content detector, read the article, social media post or landing page and ask yourself if it provides value. If the answer is yes, then Google will most likely rank it. At the end of the day, the aim is to provide helpful, engaging content that people enjoy writing. 

How Conturae can help

We think we’ve hit the right notes and, most importantly, balance between AI and humans. We know what good AI-human content collaboration looks like. And while AI humaniser tools can help with things like AI content bypass detection models, they fall short in capturing the subtle nuances that convey genuine human emotion and understanding.

These tools can lack the depth and empathy that strike a chord with readers, often resulting in content that feels mechanical or detached. Conturae addresses this gap with a blended approach of advanced AI technology and the expertise of skilled human writers who fine-tune and personalise each piece of content. Our process to humanise AI text ensures that AI-generated content is transformed into more natural, human-like text by adding emotional engagement, relevance, and a genuine touch.

Our approach guarantees that the efficiency of AI is enhanced with the authentic, creative touch of human input. As a result, we can produce content that engages and retains the audience’s attention while building trust and connection.

This hybrid model lets us deliver content that is optimised for search engines, is high in quality and reflects the brand’s voice and meets the audience’s needs, delivered in a fraction of the time.

AI efficiency and human flair 

Raw machine output can only take content so far when it comes to evoking genuine resonance, forging deep audience connections, and bringing unforgettable brand narratives to life. For that, the uniquely human elements of emotionality, creativity, subjectivity, and cultural fluency remain indispensable.

Humanising AI-generated content with thought and care means forward-thinking brands can unlock their content’s full potential as they harmonise scalable machine assistance with authentically human magic. By transforming AI-generated text into content that is indistinguishable from human writing, brands can enhance clarity and produce 100% original, SEO-friendly content that doesn't need to bypass an AI detector. It’s the path to truly differentiated brand storytelling.