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November 23, 2023
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Content writing vs copywriting: what's the difference?

Understanding content writing vs. copywriting is vital in today's digital realm. Our guide clarifies their disparities, roles, and essential skills for success in both domains.

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In the ever-evolving digital landscape, grasping the differences between content writing vs copywriting is crucial, so we’ve created a handy guide piece to help you decipher those differences, their respective roles, and the essential skills required to thrive in each domain.

So whether you’re a writer that’s embarking on a career in digital marketing or a marketer who’s not quite sure what skill-set their after, read on:

An overview - here’s what we’ll be looking at: 

  • Content writing vs copywriting and the two distinct approaches to creating written material with different purposes, formats, lengths & strategies.
  • Content writers create informative content while copywriters craft persuasive messages to drive sales.
  • When hiring content or copywriters consider their research skills, creativity & attention to detail for successful projects.

Understanding Content Writing and Copywriting

While both content writing and copywriting play essential roles in digital marketing, their goals and approaches differ, leading to the common debate of copywriting vs content writing. Content writing focuses on creating written material that educates, informs, or entertains the reader without pushing any particular product or service. On the other hand, copywriting is all about creating persuasive, short-form copy to increase sales and create recognition for a brand. Content writing copywriting are both integral elements of a successful marketing strategy and a harmonious integration of both can yield optimal results.

Although content writing and copywriting may seem similar, their roles within a marketing strategy are distinct. Content writing aims to provide valuable information and build trust with the audience, whilst copywriting focuses on persuading readers to take action and buy a product or service. 

At Conturae, our network of freelance writers can master both content writing and copywriting, given their experience in digital marketing - and we offer both as a service. Our most consistently requested form of content is long-form blog writing and guide pieces for websites, however we can also offer copywriting and will work with clients on their brief and take a bespoke approach to this kind of content. Learn more about how we work and the plans we offer.

The Role of a Content Writer

A content writer is responsible for creating content that:

  • Showcases their knowledge and expertise in a particular field, making it informative and engaging - this is why we match our writers with a niche subject.
  • A content writer uses their expertise to build trust with the audience.
  • Allows them to work as freelancers, for agencies like Conturae, while earning an average content writer’s salary.
  • Takes various forms, such as blog posts, guides and articles, white papers, and other materials that educate and inform their readers.

Strong research skills are vital for a content writer to be successful, as well as the ability to create useful and informative content without being overly salesy. Content writers also need to have a good grasp of search engine optimisation (SEO) principles to increase their content’s visibility on search engines. This helps drive organic traffic to their website and better engage their target audience.

The Role of a Copywriter

Copywriters, on the other hand, are focused on crafting persuasive, short-form copy that drives sales and generates brand awareness. They create various types of copy, including:

  • Social media taglines
  • Marketing emails
  • Commercials
  • Print ads
  • Landing pages

Copywriters can work in-house for marketing teams, advertising and content agencies, or as freelancers, taking on different businesses for individual projects. 

Being able to write in a conversational tone, free from jargon, is a key to successful copywriting, working well with clients, and backing up their copy with facts and figures. Copywriters also need to have a strong understanding of their target audience, as this allows them to craft copy that resonates with their audience’s wants, needs, and values, ultimately encouraging them to take action.

Key Differences Between Content Writing and Copywriting

Discerning the key differences between content writing and copywriting can guide you in choosing the best approach for your business or career. These differences can be categorised into four main areas:

  1. Purpose
  2. Format
  3. Length
  4. Strategy

The upcoming sections will shed light on these differences, offering a clearer perspective on content writing versus copywriting.

Purpose: Educate vs Persuade

Content writing is centered around educating and informing the reader. Its primary aim is to provide valuable information and knowledge, allowing readers to learn and grow. Content writing is a crucial component of a content marketing strategy, as it helps build brand awareness, establish trust, and create a loyal customer base.

On the flip side, copywriting is all about persuasion and selling. Its main goal is to convince the reader to take immediate action, such as purchasing a product or signing up for a service. Copywriting focuses on creating short-form copy that grabs the reader’s attention and encourages them to convert, boosting sales and brand recognition in the process.

Format: Long-form vs Short-form

In terms of format, content writing typically involves long-form content, such as:

  • Blog articles
  • Articles
  • White papers
  • In-depth guides
  • Landing page copy (information and positioning)

This type of content allows content writers to explore topics in greater detail and provide comprehensive information to their readers. Long-form content also provides more opportunities for incorporating keywords and improving SEO, increasing the chances of ranking higher in search engine results.

Copywriting and content writing, on the other hand, revolves around short-form content like:

  • slogans
  • social media posts, including social media captions
  • email subject lines
  • advertising landing pages

This type of content is designed to deliver a clear and concise message that quickly grabs the reader’s attention and encourages them to take action. Short-form content is more focused on creating an immediate impact and driving sales.

Length: In-depth vs Concise

Content writing delves deeper into topics, providing in-depth information and insights to readers. This approach allows content writers to cover various aspects of a subject, giving their audience a complete understanding of the topic at hand. Content writing aims to build trust and recognition for a brand by regularly posting informative and entertaining content tailored to the target audience.

In contrast, copywriting is concise and to the point. It focuses on delivering a clear message that quickly grabs the reader’s attention and persuades them to take action. Copywriting uses persuasive techniques, power words, and compelling storytelling to engage readers and encourage them to make a purchase or sign up for a service. As a result, copywriting pieces are usually shorter in length compared to content writing.

Strategy: Long-term vs Short-term

Content writing focuses on long-term strategies, aiming to build brand awareness, establish trust, and create a loyal customer base over time. It involves creating valuable content that helps the audience solve problems, make informed decisions, and stay up-to-date with industry trends. Content writing is a long-term play that focuses on building relationships with the audience and providing them with useful information that keeps them engaged and coming back for more.

Conversely, copywriting targets short-term goals and campaigns, with the primary objective of driving immediate sales and generating quick results. Copywriting strategies are geared towards creating a sense of urgency, evoking emotions, and encouraging the reader to take immediate action. This approach helps businesses boost sales in the short-term and engage the target audience to take action right away.

Essential Skills for Content Writers and Copywriters

Both content writers and copywriters require a specific set of skills to excel in their respective fields and these essential skills include research, creativity, and audience engagement to name but a few:

Research and SEO Knowledge

Content writers need strong research skills to create valuable content that is both accurate and tailored to their audience. Research helps them stay up-to-date with industry trends and topics, ensuring that their content remains relevant and informative. Additionally, content writers must have a good grasp of search engine optimisation (SEO) principles and most recent updates to increase their content’s visibility on search engines, driving organic traffic to their website and better engaging their target audience.

While SEO knowledge may not be as crucial for copywriters as it is for content writers, having a basic understanding of SEO can still be beneficial. Copywriters can use SEO principles to optimise their web copy, landing pages, and other digital content to rank higher in search results and drive more organic traffic to their clients’ websites. 

Creativity and Persuasion

Copywriters require creativity and persuasive abilities to craft compelling copy that grabs the reader’s attention and encourages them to take action. Creativity in copywriting involves thinking differently and coming up with fresh, eye-catching ideas, concepts, and messages that set their copy apart from the competition. Persuasive techniques, such as storytelling, appealing to emotions, and simple, approachable tone and expression is also crucial for crafting engaging copy that drives sales and conversions.

Content writers, while not as focused on persuasion, still need to be creative in their writing to captivate their audience and provide informative content that stands out. Creative content writing can involve storytelling, personalisation, and incorporating visuals to keep the audience engaged and coming back to your brand and business for more.

Audience Understanding and Engagement

Both content writers and copywriters must understand and engage their target audience effectively to create impactful content. This means researching the audience’s demographics, interests, needs, and preferences, and tailoring their language, tone, style, and messaging to resonate with them. Engaging the audience not only helps content writers and copywriters create content that stands out, but also allows them to better understand their audience’s needs and preferences, helping them create more effective content in the long run.

Audience engagement can be achieved through various tactics, such as using storytelling, personalisation, and interactive content. Content writers can also incorporate visuals, like images, videos, and infographics, to make their content more engaging and appealing to the readership.

Choosing the Right Path: Content Writing or Copywriting?

In choosing between content writing and copywriting, as a career or for your business needs, considerations should include personal preferences, skill sets, and the pros and cons of each profession. Content writing may be a better fit if you enjoy crafting informative, long-form content and are skilled at research and SEO. On the other hand, copywriting may be more suitable if you have a knack for persuasion, creativity, and crafting short, attention-grabbing copy that drives sales.

Ultimately, the choice between content writing and copywriting will depend on your personal interests and goals, as well as the needs of your business. If you’re still unsure which path to take, consider combining both content writing and copywriting strategies, as they can complement each other and work together to create a comprehensive marketing strategy that drives long-term success.

In conclusion, content writing and copywriting are distinct yet essential components of digital marketing. Content writing focuses on providing valuable and informative content, while copywriting aims to persuade and sell. Both professions require unique skill sets, such as research, creativity, and audience engagement. 

When choosing between content writing and copywriting, consider your personal interests, goals, and the needs of your business. By understanding the differences between these two professions, you can make an informed decision and build a successful marketing strategy that drives long-term growth. If your business is in need of affordable, high-performing SEO optimised content at a fast turnaround, then you’re in the right place. Have a browse of our pricing plans or get started right away.