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Sarah C
December 15, 2023
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5 reasons why you might choose to work with a content agency

In today's digital age, it's important to have an online presence, but creating and developing content can be an overwhelming task, especially if writing is not your strong point.

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As a business or marketer, you have a decision to make when it comes to hiring a content creator: do you hire a freelance writer or a content agency? Here, we explore five reasons why you might choose to work with a content agency, like us:

1. Access to a Network of Skilled, Expert Writers:

One of the biggest advantages of working with a content agency is the vast network of highly skilled writers at your disposal. When you hire a freelance writer, you're limited to their skills and expertise. However, with a content agency, you have access to a range of writers who specialise in different niches. This means that regardless of your industry or the type of content you need, you'll be matched with a writer who has the skills and expertise to get the job done right.

2. Negotiation and Sign-Offs: 

Hiring a freelance writer can be time-consuming. You have to find a writer, negotiate the terms, provide feedback, and sign off on the final product. Working with a content agency can take some of that burden off of you. They handle the negotiations, sign-offs, and revisions, freeing up your time to focus on other aspects of your business.

3. Consistent Quality: 

When working with a freelance writer, there's no guarantee that they'll deliver consistent quality work. However, with a content agency, you can expect a level of consistency in the quality of the content writing services you receive. Agencies have systems and processes in place to ensure that each piece of content they deliver meets a certain standard.

4. Scalability: 

As your business grows, your content needs may grow too. Working with a freelance writer may not be the best solution for scaling your content production. However, a content agency can grow with your business and provide you with the resources and expertise you need to keep up with demand without sacrificing quality.

5. Accountability: 

Content agencies have reputations to uphold. As a result, they're more likely to be accountable for the quality of work they produce. If you're unhappy with a piece of content, the agency will work with you to ensure it hits the mark.

There you have it, five compelling reasons why you might choose to work with a content agency like Conturae. We offer you access to a network of expert writers, handle negotiations and sign-offs, provide consistent quality, are scalable, and more accountable. It's important to remember that every business is different, and what works for one may not work for another. However, if you're looking for a reliable and experienced team to help elevate your content strategy, then we may be the right fit for you. So why not give it a try? Contact us at support@conturae.com and let's chat about your next project.